

Deviation Actions

AbeSedecim's avatar

Literature Text

Chapter 1: Re-birth Day


SFX: Sound Effects
POV: Point of View
OP: Off Panel
-- : Break in Speech
VO: Voice Over (inner monologue)


PANEL 1: INT. HIGH SCHOOL. – DAY. FROM: MAIN CHARACTER'S POV. We see a group of 12 smiling high school girls (in uniforms) standing excitedly with cheer. At the center of this mini-mob is the most beautiful and spunky look leader of girls, a girl with a red ribbon in her hair. The girl with the red ribbon holds out her hands, which contains a small plate and a fancy decorative cupcake with a single candle burning bright. The girls speak as one.  

SFX: Surprise

GIRLS (shouting): Happy Birthday Amibiki!

PANEL 2: BACK TO SCENE. We see the main character (Amibiki), a scrawny looking boy with spiky black hair (also in uniform), looks confused and flattered at the same time. He looks passed the cupcake into the faces of the girls' off-panel, awkwardly smiling.  

AMIBIKI: Uh, gee, thanks -- but my birthday isn't until tomorrow.

The girls sound disappointed.

GIRLS (O.P.): Awwwww.  


PANEL 1: INT. HIGH SCHOOL HALLWAY – DAY. Amibiki waves goodbye frantically to his fan-club with the cupcake in hand. The girls all swoon and giggle to his departure. He walks toward 2 other figures on the other side of the hall.

GIRLS SFX: Giggle, giggle

AMIBIKI: Thanks for the cake -- I really gotta go now -- bye!

PANEL 2: Amibiki meets his 2 friends. One is a large husky boy (Boy #1) with freckles and glasses and the other is a scrawny looking blonde boy (Boy #2). They greet Amibiki, Boy #1 praises him while Boy #2 scolds him, as he holds the cake in between the circle they form around each other. Boy #1 is delighted to see the cake that has now been placed in front of his view.

BOY #1: Man Akio, you ARE so the coolest.

BOY #2: I don't know why you have to get all the attention?  

PANEL 3: Amibiki (Akio) tries to be modest waving off his friend's comments, to little avail.

AMIBIKI: Oh please Rokuro, I don't even get why they do things like this. I mean it's not like even trying.

Boy #2 (Rokuro) is extremely angry by his words, developing a throbbing vein over her eye.  

BOY #2: And that's the worst part!

BOY #1: You gonna eat that cake?

PANEL 4: CUT TO LATER AT THE HALLWAY: The 3 boys walk down the High School hallway casually, with Ambiki at the lead and his 2 friends walking with him side by side. Boy #1 is eating the cake that his friend Amibiki had earlier. Rokuro watches him with disgust.

ROKURO: Man Yasu, don't you ever lay off the sweets?

SFX: Munch, Munch

BOY #1: I can't, mmm -- help it, mmm -- gland problems.

PANEL 5: The 3 boys continue their trek across the halls. While Yasu is trailing behind enjoying his cake, Rokuro and Amibiki walk side by side.

ROKURO: Seriously Akio, how do you do it? You're only a first year student like the rest of us and yet you get all the girls? -- What kind of cologne you us?

AMIBIKI: I'm telling you, I don't understand it myself.

PANEL 6: CLOSE UP OF YASU: He talks with cake on his face and a smile on his face.

YASU: From what I heard, all girls at this school hold a poll on the beginning of the year to elect the cutest boy in the freshman class. And I'm pretty sure that's Akio, hands down.

SFX: Erp

PANEL 7: CLOSE UP OF AMIBIKI AND ROKURO: Amibiki is a little embarrassed by Yasu's comment and tries to put his friends mind at ease. Rokuro is still tense about his friend's more popular status.

AMIBIKI: Oh come on, I'm pretty sure that's an urban myth.

ROKURO: It must be, since you don't see ME with my own fan-club.


PANEL 1: EXT. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD. The 3 boys walk passed the fence of the outdoor field, walking along the track casually on their way off campus. By now Yasu has finished the cake and is busy licking his fingers.

ROKURO: So, what do you got planned for your birthday tomorrow.

AMIBIKI: Aside from cake and punch, I've got nothing planned. My parents said they weren't going to make a big deal out of it, I didn't want too.  

PANEL 2: CLOSE UP OF ROKURO AND AMIBIKI: Rokuro seems excited, but Amibiki looks worried and somewhat blushful. What nobody sees is a little dot that is coming their way from inside the field.

ROKURO: Then that settles it, we'll have a dude's night out to celebrate Amibiki's rise into manhood. I know this café where all the cute girls hang out, maybe we could…

AMIBIKI: No really, I don't wanna make a big deal out of it.  

PANEL 3: Ambiki stops to see a softball come falling down beside him.

PANEL 4: Amibiki turns his head to see a girl running in the distance toward the edge of the fence to retrieve her lost ball.

GIRL #1: Hiya Amibiki!

PANEL 6: AMIBIKI'S POV: We see the face of a spunky teenage girl running toward Amibiki with her hair tied back under her baseball cap. Roughly his age, she wears a girl's softball team uniform with the number 23 written on it. Sparkles and glitter in the sun reflect an unspoken admiration all around her. Amibiki talks with stall in his voice even though he recognizes her as a longtime friend.

AMIBIKI (O.P.): Oh…hi Mayu.


PANEL 1: EXT. HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD FENCE: We see Amibiki reaching up from the ground holding a softball in his hands from outside the fence. From inside the fence, we see the back of the girl Mayu's head as she casually stands there with her hands behind her back.

AMIBIKI: Looking for this?

MAYU: Thanks, we need that for practice.

PANEL 2: Amibiki and Mayu continue to talk to each other from both sides of the fence. Both of them seem bashful talking to each. Amibiki is still holding the softball, not realizing he is reach of Mayu.

AMIBIKI: I didn't know you made the girl's softball team.

MAYU: I'm only an outfielder, but the way our team is hitting I may see more action than I thought.

PANEL 3: CLOSE UP ON MAYU AND AMIBIKI'S FACES: As if the fence isn't even there they talk to each other face to face gazing deep into each others eyes.  

MAYU: What about you? Have you tried out for the baseball team yet?

AMIBIKI: Nah, my mom wants me to concentrate on my studies -- but that doesn't stop my little brother from playing little league.

SFX: Chuckle, chuckle  

PANEL 4: From the moment their eyes meet, sparkles and light seems to glow around their faces. It seems like they are the only 2 people in the world.

PANEL 5: We see Yasu and Rokuro on the sidelines looking at each other with an awkward and confused gaze. As if they notice the unspoken bond between the Mayu and Amibiki that they don't even notice.  

PANEL 6: The passion is broken by a voice off panel, snapping Mayu and Amibiki out of their trance, dissipating the serenity around them.

VOICE (OP): Hey Yuina! We're here to practice you remember?

PANEL 6: Amibiki puts his other hand on his head as he hands Mayu the ball from across the fence. She reluctantly stands at attention as if their moment, we can see a sweat drops trickling from the back of her head as she is nervous about something.  

AMIBIKI: Uh, here's your ball back.

MAYU: Oh yeah, thanks again. -- I guess we'll, talk later.

PANEL 7: From Amibiki's side of the fence, he waves goodbye gentle as Mayu runs across the field with the softball in hand waving it in the air to signal she has retrieve it. His friend Rokuro who was watching this display gives him a comment off panel.

ROKURO (OP): Really smooth there, lover boy.


PANEL 1: EXT. STREET SIDE WALK – SUNSET. The 3 boys are walking together on their way home to their respective homes. Rokuro taunts Amibiki while he holds his hands behind his head as Amibiki turns his head away from Rokuro's questioning.

ROKURO: Honestly Akio, you and Mayu have been friends since before grade school and you still haven't made any moves.

AMIBIKI: Oh come on, Rokuro.

PANEL 2: CLOSE UP OF AMIBIKI AND YASU: Yasu tries to sound poetic holding his hand on his heart as he speaks. Amibiki is not amused.

YASU: Perhaps he respects Miss Mayu's blossoming into womanhood as a delicate flower that is not to be disturbed until it has fully blossomed?

AMIBIKI: Will you cut it out!

PANEL 3: CLOSE UP OF AMIBIKI'S FACE: We seem him looking out into space as if lost in deep contemplation.

AMIBIKI: Aside from you guys, Mayu is my best friend. Our families practically raised us together that sometimes we get mistaken for twins at family reunions. We've always been best friends, so why risk that by getting things -- complicated.

PANEL 4: BACK TO SCENE: Amibiki slumps down in anger and frustration. Rokuro looks into the clouds with a sly smile on his face. Yasu puts his finger on his lips as if pondering his latest thought.

ROKURO: Gee, you act like she's your sister or something.

YASU: I sometimes wonder…

AMIBIKI (annoyed): Alright, enough already -- just back it off.   

PANEL 5: We see the 3 boys reach a crossroads on the sidewalk. Yasu and Rokuro have turned left while Amibiki turns right. Yasu and Rokuro wave goodbye, while Amibiki waves behind his back as he heads in the other direction not even turning to see his friend's off.

ROKURO: Here's our turn, see ya tomorrow Akio.    

YASU: Happy Early Birthday to ya.

AMIBIKI: Thanks guys -- see ya later.

PANEL 6: We see Amibiki walking solitarily on the sidewalk with his heard turn to the ground.

AMIBIKI (VO): They'll never understand why it's so complicated. -- Because I already asked her once already, and she said --  

PANEL 7: CUT TO FLASHBACK: We see Mayu's face, in her school uniform, turning her head away with sadness and discomfort as Amibiki slightly cringes in shock as if hearing the confusing answer to a very important question.

AMIBIKI (VO): -- No.


PANEL 1: FLASHBACK: EXT. SCHOOL BUILDING – DAY. Amibiki and Mayu stand outside the school field. No one else is around, and Amibiki still looks shock as Mayu lowers her head in an unanswered shame.

AMIBIKI (VO): It was the beginning of the year, when I had the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. I don't know what I expected to hear -- she just said no.   

PANEL 2: CLOSE UP OF MAYU'S FACE: A small amount of tears vanish from her face as she picks her head up with a large smile on her face.

AMIBIKI (VO): I didn't even understand why she said it or acted like it didn't really matter. It was as if her nothing had changed between us. Like another friendly chat.  

PANEL 3: We see Amibiki's face saddened but strong looking down at the ground and Mayu's arm as she holds it with her other hand.

MAYU: I'm sorry Amibiki, but it's -- complicated.

PANEL 4: BACK FROM FLASHBACK: We See Amibiki look straight forward as he ponders Mayu's words.

MAYU (VO): I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship. I mean we'll always be best friends, right?  

PANEL 5: We see the Back of Amibiki's head as he walks down the streets with an eerie sort of shadow that seems to follow him against the sun on his back.

AMIBIKI (VO): Just friends -- And I like her more than that and that's all she wants to be.  

PANEL 6: The eerie shadow on his back begins to more like it's alive. A set of glowing yellow eyes emerges from those shadows as if attached by a 4-legged beast that continues to follow Amibiki without his notice.  

AMIBIKI (VO): How could things get anymore complicated?


PANEL 1: EXT. STREET SIDE WALK ALLEY – SUNSET: We see a shadow form into a giant fox-like figure, roughly the size of a horse, with some shadows erupting like black flames all around it. Its eyes intensify in the light of the setting sun.

PANEL 2: Amibiki feels a pulse of malevolent power rush down his spine from behind him. It makes him pick his head up and gasp.

SFX: Doom.

SFX: gasp  

PANEL 3: The fox-shadow leans back as if ready to rush. The fire around it intensifies. A mouth is visible with dark fangs spew fire like the dark flames around it.

PANEL 4: Amibiki slowly turns his head around to catch a glimpse of what this dark feeling that surrounds him is coming from.

PANEL 5: The fox-shadow rushes toward Amibiki with trails of flames flowing behind it.

PANEL 6: Amibiki turns to see a ball of black fireball of shadow and flames heading right toward him with little time to react.

PANEL 7: Amibiki sees an enlarged glare of the yellows eyes erupt around him a giant explosion is set off right in front of him.


FULL PAGE PANEL: EXT. VOID OF TRANSCENDANT COLORS, FIRE, AND LIGHTENING ALL AROUND. Amibiki is spreads his arms and legs as lightening and fire bombard him from all sides. He screams in agony as if his body and soul are being torn apart.

AMIBIKI (screaming): AHHHHHH!


PANEL 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5: MONTAGE: EXT. VOID OF TRASCENDANT COLORS. Amibiki begins to fall down deep into the void around him. The fox-shadowy figure overlooks him as he descends deeper into the pit of Fire and Lightening. Its yellow eyes never seem to blink.  

PANEL 6: CUT TO: A pair of human eyes opening wide as if awakened from disturbing dream.

PAGE 10:

PANEL 1: INT. AMIBIKI'S BEDROOM – MORNING. Amibiki wakes up as if from a bad dream, rushing up with his arms against his side. We can see the cold sweat dripping from his half naked body (as he sleeps with nothing more than his boxer shorts) with eyes almost dilated from pure fear and exhaustion.

PANEL 2: Amibiki puts his hand on his left eye rubbing his head as if trying to recover from a splitting headache sighing with relief.  

SFX: Sigh

PANEL 3: Close up of Amibiki's alarm clock on his counter, right next to a lamp and a picture of his family obscured by the shadows of the morning sun. We can barely make out any faces of figures in that picture, but we can see the time on the clock.

CLOCK: 6: 45 a.m.

AMIBIKI (OP): What a nightmare. -- When did I get home last night?

PANEL 4: Amibiki tosses off his sheets, as he gets out of his bed and puts his feet down on the carpet shag.

AMIBIKI: I need to get my head together, maybe some breakfast will help.

PANEL 5: CUT TO INT. HOUSE HALLWAY: We see a row of 2 doors on the right that lead toward a row of stairs that lead downward. Everything seems calm and gentle.

PANEL 6: We see the first door on the right slightly opening, a small figure starts walking out of this room.

PANEL 7: We see a 10-year-old boy with brown hair walking out the door in his pajama like shorts and shirt, rubbing his eyes as if he had just awakened.  

SFX: Yawn.

PAGE 11:

PANEL 1: INT. HOUSE HALLWAY. – MORNING. The 10-year-old boy (BOY #3) begins to slowly open his eyes. A curvy shadow begins to approach him, without his notice. It is Amibiki having arrived from the room at the far end of the hall, though we can only see him from the waist down practically in his boxer shorts.  

AMIBIKI: Morning little brother.

PANEL 2: Boy #3 opens his eyes wide and awake with surprise and shock as Amibiki passes right in front of his eyes. Amibiki slowly walks tired and hardly alert.

BOY #3: Huh?

PANEL 3: Boy #3 turns his head in continued shock as if seeing a ghost. He stares awkwardly as Amibiki walks toward the stairs.

AMIBIKI: See you at breakfast.

PANEL 4: CUT TO INT. HOUSE KITCHEN: A woman with brown hair (MOTHER) is serving breakfast in an apron, while a man with black hair (FATHER) sits at the kitchen table reading the newspaper.

PANEL 5: Amibiki arrives in the kitchen suddenly, causing Mother to take notice with shock and disarray (much like his little brother), almost dropping the plates that she has in her hands. Father simply continues to read his paper not even taking notice at his son's arrival like Mother.

SFX: Clank

AMIBIKI: Morning mom, dad, what's cooking?

PANEL 6: Amibiki looks down at a plate already set on the table and approaches it with delight.

AMIBIKI: Ah, my favorites, don't mind if I do.

PANEL 7: Amibiki sits at the table eating his breakfast calmly and happy without a shirt.

PANEL 8: Amibiki's eyebrows twitch as if noticing something off the corner of his eye.

PANEL 9: We see Mother looking at Amibiki with a confused and disturbed stare even though he looks exactly the same as he always has. Father is shocked too, having turned down his paper for only a second to look at Amibiki. Amibiki is completely confused as to why everyone is staring at him like that.   

AMIBIKI: Uh, what's wrong? -- Do I have helmet hair or something?  

PAGE 12:

PANEL 1: INT. HOUSE KITCHEN – MORNING. Amibiki's Mother approaches him at the table, awkwardly and concerned. His father simply pulls back up his paper with a nervous glance, and sweat dripping down his brow as if seeing something he wasn't suppose to.

MOTHER: Uh, sweetie, don't you think you should get upstairs and get dressed?  


PANEL 2: Amibiki smiles and chuckles as he putts down his food and eating utensils, he rubs his head in embarrassment for his appearance.

AMIBIKI: Oh, sorry about the evening wear. I guess I was really hungry today.

PANEL 3: We see Amibiki's Mother nervous and sort of bashful. Amibiki's Father picks up his eyes with a turned eyebrow from his paper, to look at Mother's nervous face.

AMIBIKI (OP): Is it okay, I finish my food first?

MOTHER: Uh, sweetie -- perhaps it would be best if -- more modest if…

PANEL 4: Father interrupts the conversation as he picks up his paper and speaks. Mother looks at father shocked at him being so blunt about their concerns.

FATHER: What your mother is trying to say is -- Go put some cloths on before you give somebody a nosebleed.

PANEL 5: Amibiki turns his eyebrow, not knowing what to make of this statement.


PANEL 6: CUT TO AMIBIKI'S ROOM: Amibiki walks into his room with a confused look on his face, pondering what did down at dinner.

AMIBIKI (VO): What was that all about? Mom usually lets me eat breakfast like that if I ask. Wonder what's wrong?

PANEL 7: Amibiki passes by a large full body mirror on his way to the closet. In the reflection of the mirror there appears to be something different about his partial reflection (only part of his back and his head). Particularly, we see long flowing hair as opposed to his short hair that is standing straight up.

AMIBKIK (VO): Maybe they got company coming over? -- Yeah, some sort of birthday surprise that they promised they would do. I thought I made it clear -- I hate surprises.

PAGE 13:

PANEL 1: INT. AMIBIKI'S ROOM, FROM THE CLOSET'S POV – MORNING: We see the darkness inside the closet as Amibiki opens it to pick out his clothes. Amibiki curiously reaches toward the light on the top of his closet.

PANEL 2: Amibiki's hand pulls on the light switch above his closet.  

PANEL 3: CLOSE UP AT AMIBIKI'S FACE: His eyes widen in terror as he looks into the closet at something shocking we cannot see.

PANEL 4: CUT TO INT. HOUSE KITCHEN: Amibiki's Mother and Father are sitting at the table when they hear the screams coming from upstairs. Father drops his paper, while Mother puts down her food listening to the screaming from upstairs.

AMIBIKI: What the @#$%!

PANEL 5: BACK TO AMIBIKI'S ROOM: Amibiki's Mother barges through the door with concern. Amibiki can barely be seen as a shadow right in front of her.

MOTHER: Sweetie, what's the matter?

PANEL 6: We see Amibiki holding a teenager girl's bra in his hands, outraged and frightened at its presence in his hands. And behind his back we see a closet full of girly clothing that occupies every inch. We can see girly shirts, skirts, coats, dresses, and high heeled shoes, an indoor drawer for underwear and underwire, etc.

AMIBIKI: I think there's something seriously wrong with my closet!

PAGE 14:

PANEL 1: INT. AMIBIKI'S ROOM – MORNING. Amibiki turns his head to his mother who is just as equally shocked by her child's behavior as he squeezes the bra in his hands with frustration.

AMIBIKI: Is this some sort of birthday prank? -- Did Rokuro put you up to this?

PANEL 2: Amibiki's Mother has an extremely baffled look on her face.  

MOTHER: Uh, sweetie, is there something wrong with your wardrobe? -- Because we just went shopping for it a few weeks ago and…

PANEL 3: Amibiki's anger increases as turns around completely to face his Mother as he throws down the bra on the ground.

AMIBIKI: How are you not seeing what's wrong with this picture? Is it just me or does this, NOT look like a GIRL'S closet?

PANEL 4: Amibiki walks frustrated toward his Mother walking right by the full body mirror he just passed on his way to the closet.

MOTHER (OP): Uh, sweetie, are you feeling alright?

AMIBIKI: I'm feeling fine. I just wanna know why…

PANEL 5: We see (symbolic) lightening strike his head as he stops walking right in front of the full body mirror he had originally passed without a moment's notice.

SFX: Shock

PANEL 6: CUT MIRROR'S POV: Amibiki slowly turns in front of his mirror, we cannot see his reflection yet as he is facing the mirror.

PANEL 7: Amibiki's mouth opens wide and his hair stands up straight as he sees the image staring back at him.

PAGE 15:

FULL PAGE PANEL: INT. AMIBIKI'S ROOM – MORNING. We see Amibiki standing, shaken and struck, in front of his reflection in the mirror. Amibiki looks the say as he always has, a 16-year-old boy walking around in his boxer shorts. His reflection however, is a long haired 16-year-old GIRL staring right back at him. She is practically half naked herself, if not for her long flowing black hair (like Amibiki's) covering certain parts of her anatomy.

PAGE 16:

PANEL 1 + 2: INT. AMIBIKI'S ROOM – MORNING, CLOSE OF AMIBIKI'S FACE STARING AT HIS MIRROR FACE. Amibik is still reeling over his altered reflection.

AMIBIKI (VO): It can't be -- It just can't be?


AMIBIKI (VO): Who am I staring at?

PANEL 3: Amibiki's Mother gets closer to Amibiki, still shaking from his reflection, and puts her hand on his shoulder.

MOTHER: Are you sure you're alright AIKO?

PANEL 4: Amibiki slinks down with illness, blue face and swirling, with his new mirror realization.

AMIBIKI: I think I'm gonna be sick.

PAGE 17:

PANEL 1: EXT. UNKNOWN AREA – DARKNESS. A shadowy fox-figure with yellow glowing eyes sits calmly surrounded by fires of the same shadows around him.

PANEL 2: CUT TO EXT. UNKNOWN REALM OF WHITE SPACE WITH MAGIC SPARKLES THAT PULL THE DARKNESS BACK LIKE A CURTAIN – LIGHT. We see the shadowy fox-figure's true form, a white fox spirit with fireballs surrounding him. He looks like a giant fox spirit with golden collar, 1 long fiery tail and the same animalist eyes.

PANEL 3: CLOSE UP TO FOX'S FACE IN PROFILE: We see the fox figure (FOX) looking upward hearing a loud booming voice of unknown origin.

VOICE (OP): Reynard de la Flamme Vive, you are welcomed the realm between realms. -- What have you to report from your assignment?  

PANEL 4: BACK TO FULL POSE: The Fox (Reynard) speaks as the flames fan around him.

REYNARD: I have done as you requested, as per your authorization. And I guarantee that everything has gone according to plan.

PANEL 5: We see the voice booming in the white space.

VOICE (OP): Then the task is finished.

REYNARD (OP): Of that I assure you.

PANEL 6: CLOSE UP OF REYNARD'S YELLOW FOX EYES: They show no remorse, and no sign of emotion.

REYNARD: The one known as Akio Amibiki is no more.
SUMMARY (read at your own risk):
Aiko Amibiki is a boy turning 16 tomorrow, but what he never expected was an encounter from a mysterious dark spirit that changes his life forever. The next morning, he finds out that upon looking into a mirror that his whole life has been altered by this encounter. While he remains the same, everyone around him believes that he was always a girl and only his reflection reveals the truth that everyone sees. What plan did the mysterious spirit have in store and for what purpose?

Welcome to Chapter 1 of my original Manga Script, which I'm kind of proud of because it incorporates a lifelong ambition that I'm finally having the courage to construction, because this is the first bit of writing that didn't involve fandom although it does involve a lot of reference from preexisting genres archetypes, blah blah blah. If anyone sues for plagiarism I'm just going to plead the Dr. Cox v. Dr. House defense; it's not plagiarism it's just archetype.

On that note, you may or may not be interested to note that this actually came to me in a dream. Not particularly these scenes, but it appeared to me as an epic battle between a giant white spirit a boy wearing a gown (I assume it was supposed to be a ceremonial robe, I'm not sure if they're gender specific) but the point is he transformed saved the day and in the end turned back to everybody's praise. It was only after a girl hugged him for thanks that he realized that the girl only saw him as girl instead of a boy that he was through a curse by some mischievous fox spirit who was watching with wicked delight the whole time. Of course what eventually evolved from this one dream, and even the title came to me in my sleep, turned into a more constructive concept and more refined story structure and what you see is the first chapter of that. I suppose there is some sort of psychological undertones to this dream, but I'd rather not probe it any further.

I'm not to sure if it's too generic, but this is my first time writing a manga script let alone some original creation of my own, I just thought it would be fun given the hilarious yet all too ambitious concept. So if you enjoy it good, if you don't enjoy then that's okay too. The point is I'm proud of myself for doing this, so there.
© 2010 - 2024 AbeSedecim
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toddlergirl's avatar
i'm looking forward to seeing more of this as it unfolds